


hello : A program that prompts the user for his/her name and say hello to the user.


mario (less & more) : A program that prompts the user for the pyramid’s height and print the desired pyramid.


cash : A program that first asks the user how much change is owed and then prints the minimum number of coins with which that change can be made.


credit : A program that prompts the user for a credit card number and then reports whether it is a valid American Express, MasterCard, or Visa card number.



redability : A program that that prompts the user for a text and computes the Coleman-Liau index of the text.


ceasar : A program that encrypts messages using Caesar’s cipher. The key must be an integer.

./ceasar key

substitution : A program that implements a substitution cipher. The key is invalid if it contains 26 characters, not contains any character that is not an alphabetic character, and contains each letter exactly once. (Ex: VCHPRZGJNTLSKFBDQWAXEUYMOI)

./substitution key


plurality : A program that simulates a plurality vote election.

./plurality [candidate ...]

runoff : A program that simulates a runoff vote election.

./runoff [candidate ...]

tideman : A program that simulates a tideman vote election.

./tideman [candidate ...]


filter (less) : A program that applies filters (grayscale, sepia, reflect and blur) to BMPs.

./filter -g infile.bmp outfile.bmp

./filter -s infile.bmp outfile.bmp

./filter -r infile.bmp outfile.bmp

./filter -b infile.bmp outfile.bmp

filter (more) : A program that applies filters (grayscale, reflect, blur and edges) to BMPs.

./filter -g infile.bmp outfile.bmp

./filter -s infile.bmp outfile.bmp

./filter -r infile.bmp outfile.bmp

./filter -b infile.bmp outfile.bmp

recover : A program that recovers JPEGs from a forensic image.

./recover card.raw