
Simple colors picker for Bootstrap and Bootswatch

Primary LanguageHTML

Colorstrap is a simple colors picker for Bootstrap who generate a css file with your colors on native Bootstrap code or an overlay for use with Bootswatch themes.

Try it on https://colorstrap.herokuapp.com/

Image of site

How to use

Choose beautifuls colors

Generate your css file

Download one of the 2 files or copy-past the css code in a text file and save it as .css

With "Custom Bootstrap Default CSS" you have to change your bootstrap.css, bootstrap.min.css or Bootstrap CDN by :

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="colorstrap.min.css">

With "Overlay Colorstrap for Theme" you have to put it in your after your Bootstrap/Bootswach Theme file with :

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="colorstrap.overlay.css">

🐰 Author

Luca Montaigut : https://github.com/luca-montaigut


Théo Pomies : https://github.com/DevPomeis

Lucien Passera : https://github.com/Crysicia