
Primary LanguageScalaGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Security Manager for Piattaforma Digitale Nazionale Dati (PDND), previously DAF

Security Manager is the microservice responsable to manage security in PDND (ex DAF) environment.

What is the PDND (ex DAF)?

PDND stays for "Piattaforma Digitale Nazionale Dati" (the Italian Digital Data Platform), previously known as Data & Analytics Framework (DAF).

You can find more informations about the PDND on the official Digital Transformation Team website.

What is Security Manager?

Security Manager performes a set of REST API to manage users, organizations, internal groups of the organization and data permissions.

This project provides Single Sign-On functionality and propagates changes to the users and the organizations in all tools.

In the file project-path/daf-srv-security/conf/security_manager.yaml the API are described in detail with the standard swagger 2.0.

The master branch refers to the code available for the production release. All the development starts from dev branch working on feature branches and merged first on dev and after testing and reviewing can be merged on master.

Tools references

This project references the following tools.

Project components

This project depends by the following components.

  • Scala version 2.11.11, available here
  • SBT version 0.13.16, available here

Related PDND component:

  • daf-util-common available here.

How to install and use Security Manager

If you don't have access to PDND environment, follow this step, otherwise skip this section

Publish common in your pc

Clone the project from git

git clone https://github.com/italia/daf-util-common

Go to directory of common library in your pc. Open sbt shell and run following command to compile the library


Run the command in sbt shell to publish the library


Clone the project

git clone https://github.com/italia/daf-srv-security.git

Configure the project without access to the PDND tools

Open file build.sbt and comment the following lines:

import Environment._


"daf repo" at s"$nexusUrl/maven-public/"

NOTE: You need to also comment the comma in the previous line.

Open file Filters.scala and comment the class Filters.

Open file security_manager.yaml (don't warry about all errors) and comment

val playSessionStore: PlaySessionStore 


Authentication(configuration, playSessionStore)

Open file application.conf and comment

play.modules.enabled += "it.gov.daf.common.modules.authentication.SecurityModule"

Configure the project with access to the PDND tools

In the directory project you need to create Scala object like this:

object Environment {

  val nexus = "{NEXUS_URL}"
  val nexusPort = "{NEXUS_PORT}"
  val nexusUrl = s"http://$nexus:$nexusPort/repository/"

  val deployEnv = "{ENV}"

Run the app

Open the sbt shell in your project directory and run the following commands

run -Dconfig.file={PATH_LOCAL_PROJECT}/daf-srv-security/conf/prod/prodBase.conf

How to build and test Security Manager

There's two ways to test the project.

The first (and simple one) run the server on your local machine via sbt shell


The second is based on Docker (you can read more on the official web page). Configure in your build.sbt Docker settings and run the following command in sbt shell


Run your docker image

If you want see all the API exposed by the server go to {PATH_RUNNING_SERVER}/security-manager

How to contribute

Contributions are welcome. Feel free to open issues and submit a pull request at any time, but please read our handbook first.


Copyright (c) 2019 Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.