This library exists to present a convenient interface to control a full Ethereum node from Elixir, abstracting away the need to deal with the JSON-RPC API directly. It decodes the hex responses when necessary and functions return the idiomatic {:ok, data} | {:error, reason} tuples whenever possible. The goal is to cover the entire JSON-RPC API for Geth/Parity. This project has @specs for every function and is using Dialyzer + ExUnit.
So far I have "cherry picked" the most commonly used functions from I plan to fill in the blanks. Pull requests welcomed. Because the goal is to fully manage an Ethereum node from Elixir, I have included some of the more commonly used Admin and Personal API functions which will require geth to be started with --rpcapi "db,eth,net,web3,personal"
. This should only be done in a safe network environment if at all.
UPDATE: Currently you can create accounts, unlock accounts, lock accounts, query balances, and send eth to anyone on the blockchain.
mix test
mix dialyzer
iex> Exthereum.client_version
{:ok, "Geth/v1.6.5-stable-cf87713d/darwin-amd64/go1.8.3"}
iex> Exthereum.sha3("0x68656c6c6f20776f726c64")
{:ok, "47173285a8d7341e5e972fc677286384f802f8ef42a5ec5f03bbfa254cb01fad"}
iex> Exthereum.net_version
{:ok, "1"}
iex> Exthereum.peer_count
{:ok, "19"}
iex> Exthereum.listening
{:ok, true}
iex> Exthereum.protocol_version
{:ok, 63}
iex> Exthereum.syncing
{:ok, false}
iex> Exthereum.coinbase
{:ok, "78fc2b9b6cf9b18f91037a5e0e074a479be9dca1"}
iex> Exthereum.mining
{:ok, true}
iex> Exthereum.hashrate
{:ok, "0"}
iex> Exthereum.gas_price
{:ok, 22061831512}
iex> Exthereum.accounts
{:ok, ["0x78fc2b9b6cf9b18f91037a5e0e074a479be9dca1",
iex> Exthereum.block_number
{:ok, 3858216}
iex> Exthereum.get_balance("0xfE8bf4ca8A6170E759E89EDB5cc9adec3e33493f") # Donations accepted :-)
{:ok, 0.4650075166583676}
iex> Exthereum.transaction_count("0xfE8bf4ca8A6170E759E89EDB5cc9adec3e33493f")
{:ok, 3858216}
iex> Exthereum.new_account("h4ck3r", "h4ck3r")
{:ok, "50172f916cb2e64172919090af4ff0ba4638d8dd"}
iex> Exthereum.unlock_account("0xe55c5bb9d42307e03fb4aa39ccb878c16f6f901e", "h4ck3r")
{:ok, true}
iex> Exthereum.lock_account("0xe55c5bb9d42307e03fb4aa39ccb878c16f6f901e")
{:ok, true}
iex> Exthereum.send_transaction("0xe55c5bb9d42307e03fb4aa39ccb878c16f6f901e", "0xfE8bf4ca8A6170E759E89EDB5cc9adec3e33493f", 0.00043, "h4ck3r")
{:ok, "88c646f79ecb2b596f6e51f7d5db2abd67c79ff1f554e9c6cd2915f486f34dcb"}
If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `exthereum` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:exthereum, "~> 0.1.0"}]
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at