
Write less code, ship faster and better.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Moai created by Mr. Bozo from thenounproject.com.

Giants Boilerplate

If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.  - Issac Newton


  1. No server code: Giants uses Google’s Cloud Firestore for backend.
  2. No redux code: Giants integrates with redux-firestore and redux-form.
  3. No build config: Giants is based on Facebook’s create-react-app.
  4. No grunt work: Giants has auth, loading, error state all covered.
  5. Minimum UI code: Giants uses Alibaba’s Ant Design for React.
  6. Scalable: Giants implements code-splitting by react-loadable.
  7. Maintainable: Giants has a shallow, component-like file structure.

Shut up, show me the app

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/harrison0723/giants-boilerplate

Install dependencies

yarn install

Build development

yarn start

Build test

yarn test



  1. Go to your Firebase console and create an app
  2. Enable authentication (Email) and Firestore database
  3. Replace Firebase config in src/firebase.js


  1. Always give your container component a className
  2. Properly scope your styles with .containerClassName .yourClassName
  3. Override Ant Design components with .yourClassName.antdClassName


Use the render() function in /common/tools to pass Ant Design fields into redux-form


Giants boilerplate sorts files by feature rather than by type. Every new feature employs a folder in /src with a local architecture as follows:


Note: the /components folder stores all presentational components for the feature.


Build production

yarn build

Deploy to Firebase Hosting

  1. Install Firebase CLI
yarn install -g firebase-tools
  1. Login to your Firebase account
firebase login
  1. Deploy
firebase deploy

Note: Use /build path instead of the default /public path when asked in step 3.