Image Registration using Deep Learning

MIT License
Tensorflow PyTorch
Author: Luca S.


  • Python 3.8
  • Poetry 1.1
  • cmake 3.2.1
  • git
  • build-essentials

Setup (tested on Ubuntu 20.04 only)

  1. Download & install the latest python 3.8 release from here

  2. Download and install poetry as explained here

  3. Download and compile SimpleElastix as explained here

  4. Run poetry install -vvv in the root of the repository to create a virtual environment and install all dependencies listed in the pyproject.toml. -vvv activates the debug mode which somehow is needed to install airlab as development dependency correctly.

  5. From within poetry's venv console navigate to {BUILD_DIRECTORY}/SimpleITK-build/Wrapping/Python and execute python Packaging/ install

Hint: To enter poetry's venv u can use poetry shell if poetry is added correctly to your path otherwise use source {path_to_venv}/bin/activate.

On Ubuntu Poetry's venvs are located under ~/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/

  1. Run any of the run scripts...

    6.1 ... using the command line

    poetry shell
    poetry run python

    6.2 ... using an IDE:

    • Select the poetry venv as interpreter and run/debug one of the scripts as usual