
This is the repository for the software development project from the University of Applied Science Mannheim, our customer is LivePerson and we are the team Slytherin.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


SimpleBots Logo

This is the repository for the software development project from the University of Applied Science in Mannheim. Our customer is LivePerson and we are team Slitherin. In this repository you can find everything about our product, SimpleBots. SimpleBots was created to simplify the life of LivePerson employees. Our task was to develop a product that allows its users to easily create, manage and edit messaging bots from a user friendly website. The bots themselves were supposed to fit three criteria: small in size, good in performance and easy in creation. This repository contains our solution for the given task. We were given a total time span of roughly 10 weeks to complete the project and most of us didn't have any prior experience with most frameworks that are being used as of right now. If you have any questions about our project, feel free to contact me:

Getting Started

The following instructions will enable you to set up a copy of our project and run it on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment in the frontend README.md file for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

To start off, you'll need to grab a copy of our repository:

$ git clone http://github.com/lucaSchilling/SEP-Slitherin.git


  • It is mandatory to install docker before you use our software:
    sudo apt-get install docker
  • If you want to use our frontend from another location then the backend just change the url in /frontend/src/store/actions.js to the url where you run the backend.
  • Our software uses MongoDB as a database, removing the need to change anything when you use the docker-compose file. If you want to use your own MongoDB, simply change the MONGOURL in the /backend/.env file to the ip your MongoDB is running on.
  • To use the LivePerson messaging system you need to enter your LivePerson credentials into the /backend/.env file.
  • To use the F.A.Q. bot template you need to register at Microsoft LUIS and add your LUIS key into the /backend/.env file.


Thanks to docker, all you need to do is run the next command:

docker-compose up

When our Slitherin logo appears, everything should be running and you are able to test it by creating a bot and use the following code pen to connect with it:

  • Test suite Just enter your LivePerson account number and click on connect. Your previously created bot should be able to answer your message.


Take a look at the list of contributors to see participated in this project.


Marlene Jung, Joceline Lampe, Maria Belov, Christina Deck


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.


  • Thanks a lot to my whole team and all other participants of the SEP in the WS 17/18. It would be an honor to work with you again.
    Luca Schilling