Movie Data Scraping Project


This project is designed to scrape movie data from various sources. The collected data includes movies and its ratings. The data is then stored in a MongoDB database for further analysis.

Project Structure

The project is organized into several Python scripts, each responsible for a specific task:

  • The main script to be executed for scraping data.
  • Contains functions to scrape votes and ratings data from IMDb.
  • Contains functions to scrape data from MyMovies.
  • Contains functions to scrape data from ComingSoon.
  • Contains utility functions used across the project.
  • Analysis folder:
    • completeness.ipynb: Jupyter notebook to analyze the completeness of the scraped data.
    • query.ipynb: Jupyter notebook to query the MongoDB database and analyze the collected data.
      • report.pdf: A report detailing the analysis of the collected data.


The project requires several Python libraries. These are listed in the requirements.txt file:



  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd <repository-directory>
  2. Install the dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Setup MongoDB: Ensure you have a MongoDB instance running and update the connection settings in configs.yaml.

  4. Setup IMDb API Key: Create an account on OMDb API and obtain an API key. Update the configs.yaml file to include your API key.


Running the Scraper

To run the scraper and collect data, execute the following command:

python <country> <seasons>
  • <country>: The country code for the box office data (e.g., "usa").
  • <seasons>: One or more seasons to scrape data for (e.g., 2022).

For example, to scrape data for the USA for the year 2015 and 2022:

python usa 2015 2022


configs.yaml: This file contains all the necessary configuration settings used in the project. Ensure this file is correctly set up with your specific details.

Future Improvements

We are planning several future improvements to enhance the functionality and coverage of this project:

  1. Updating Film Ratings: Implementing a feature to update existing film ratings with new ratings if they have changed.
  2. Italy Box Office Rankings: Adding Italy as a source for box office data in addition to the USA.
  3. Optimized Data Storage: Refactoring the database schema to better handle multiple data sources and improve data retrieval efficiency.
  4. Enhanced Error Handling: Implementing more robust error handling mechanisms to ensure the scraper can recover from common issues without manual intervention.
  5. Automated Schedules: Setting up automated schedules for scraping tasks to ensure data is regularly updated without manual execution.
  6. Data Visualization: Integrating data visualization tools to provide graphical insights into the collected data directly from the database.