
A small library to finetune LLMs

Primary LanguagePython


finetuner helps you finetune models by automatically collecting prompts and completions from your existing GPT calls.

Getting started

finetuner provides a wrapper around the native OpenAI client with the same base functionality.

Storing prompts

When creating the client, you can pass a Storage object to set where your prompts and completions should be saved. Below is an example for the FileStorage that saves prompts to JSON files.

from finetuner import Client
from finetuner.storage import FileStorage

storage = FileStorage(directory="example_finetune")
client = Client.for_openai(storage=storage)

Now, when making chat completion calls, you provide a dataset_name to set which dataset this inference should be added to. This is necessary to keep track of multiple different prompts.

chat_completion = client.chat.completions.create(
    messages=[{"role": "user", "content": formatted_template}],

You can then use the storage object to see and retrieve the available datasets

# Outputs: search_classifier.json

dataset = storage.get_dataset("search_classifier")

Starting finetuning job

After getting a dataset, you can start a finetuning job (using Anyscale) with the Finetuner class by uploading the Dataset and then passing its id along with the base model to start_job(). You can optionally provide a validation dataset.

from finetuner import OpenAI
from finetuner.dataset import FileDataset
from finetuner.finetuner import Finetuner

# Get client for anyscale to use finetuning endpoint
client = Client.for_anyscale()
finetuner = Finetuner(client=client)

train_dataset, val_dataset = dataset.split(0.8)

train_file_id = finetuner.upload_dataset(train_dataset)
val_file_id = finetuner.upload_dataset(val_dataset)

job = finetuner.start_job("meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf", train_file_id, val_file_id)

You can check job status with job.status. It usually takes around 10-20min depending on the size and anyscale sends you an email when the job finishes or fails.

Running evaluation

finetuner also provides an Eval class to evaluate the performance of models on datasets. To use it, simply subclass it and implement the compare method. Often this might just be an equality operator with some string formatting but for more complex tasks you could use an LLM call for evaluation.

from finetuner.eval import Eval

class ClassificationEval(Eval):
    def compare(self, prediction: str, target: str):
        return prediction.strip() == target.strip()

# Eval result is accuracy
eval = ClassificationEval(client)
eval.run("meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-h", val_dataset, temperature=0)

TODO and ideas

  • Eval pipeline
  • Prompt classes for versioning
  • Mock data generation
  • Chain-of-thought mode
  • CLI