I was looking for an SQL builder for Node.js, but I couldn't find something that suited my needs (that's usual to hear in this world, right?).
If you know anything that is similar to this project, please let me know. Otherwise I'll keep developing this one for my (yet) pet project.
So these are the rules:
- A table, alias, query, or in general relations (as in relational algebra) are Buildable.
- A relation field or an applied SQL function/operator are Expression (which are Buildable)
- Everything else is a Parameter (which are Expression)
- It must read almost like SQL.
- It must be very easy to expand.
All of the examples below are in showcase.js
Start defining a couple of tables:
var Sql = require('./sql');
var user = Sql.table("user");
var article = Sql.table("article");
{ params: [], text: 'user' }
The build()
method returns an object with the SQL (not necessarily correct) text
and its params
var q = Sql.query().SELECT(user.star()).FROM(user);
(SELECT (user.*) FROM user)
Ok that's valid SQL, even with the extra parenthesis.
var a = article.alias();
var q = Sql.query().DISTINCT().SELECT(a.f("user_id")).FROM(a);
(SELECT DISTINCT (t1.user_id) FROM article AS t1)
I really don't want to care about alias names.
var u1 = user.alias();
var u2 = user.alias();
var q = Sql.query()
.SELECT(u1.f("id"), u2.f("id"))
.JOIN(u2, u1.f("name").EQ(u2.f("name")), "LEFT");
(SELECT (t1.id), (t2.id) FROM user AS t1
LEFT JOIN user AS t2 ON ((t1.name) = (t2.name)))
var a = article.alias();
var q = Sql.query().SELECT(a.f("title")).FROM(a).WHERE(a.f("user_id").EQ(123));
{ params: [ 123 ],
text: '(SELECT (t1.title) FROM article AS t1 WHERE ((t1.user_id) = $1))' }
I really want to use parameters like that.
When you don't want a parameter:
var a = article.alias();
var q = Sql.query().FROM(a).WHERE(a.f("id").EQ(Sql.literal(123)));
(SELECT * FROM article AS t1 WHERE ((t1.id) = 123))
Literals are usually necessary only to extend SQL syntax.
var a = article.alias();
var q = Sql.query().SELECT(Sql.count(a.f("user_id").DISTINCT())).FROM(a);
(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT (t1.user_id)) FROM article AS t1)
That method distinct
is not proper but it's quite convenient.
var u = user.alias();
var q = Sql.query().FROM(u).WHERE(u.f("id").IN([2,4,6]));
{ params: [ 2, 4, 6 ], text: '(SELECT * FROM user AS t1 WHERE ((t1.id) IN ($1,$2,$3)))' }
var joinArticles = function(q, u) {
var a = article.alias();
q.JOIN(a, a.f("user_id").EQ(u.f("id")));
return a;
var fooArticles = a => a.f("title").LIKE("%foo%");
var u = user.alias();
var q = Sql.query().DISTINCT().FROM(u);
var a = joinArticles(q, u);
INNER JOIN article AS t2 ON ((t2.user_id) = (t1.id))
WHERE ((t2.title) LIKE $1))
You may have more useful plans though.
In case you use the same parameter in more than one place:
var u = user.alias();
var email = Sql.param("foo@foo");
var q = Sql.query().FROM(u).WHERE(u.f("login").EQ(email).OR(u.f("contact").EQ(email)));
{ params: [ 'foo@foo' ],
text: '(SELECT * FROM user AS t1 WHERE (((t1.login) = $1) OR ((t1.contact) = $1)))' }
Users within 200 meters from a point, and json aggregate of their articles. Works with PostgreSQL.
Sql.ST_Distance = Sql.func("ST_Distance");
Sql.ST_SetSRID = Sql.func("ST_SetSRID");
Sql.ST_POINT = Sql.func("ST_POINT");
Sql.COALESCE = Sql.func("COALESCE");
Sql.NULLIF = Sql.func("NULLIF");
Sql.json_agg = Sql.func("json_agg");
Sql.fixed_json_agg = e => Sql.COALESCE(Sql.NULLIF(Sql.json_agg(e).cast("TEXT"),
var loc = { lat: 41.90278, lng: 12.49636 };
var u = user.alias();
var a = article.alias();
var q = Sql.query()
.SELECT(u.star(), Sql.fixed_json_agg(a.star()).alias("articles"))
.JOIN(a, a.f("user_id").EQ(u.f("id")))
var distance = Sql.ST_Distance(Sql.ST_SetSRID(Sql.ST_POINT(loc.lng, loc.lat), 4326),
u.f("address"), true);
(SELECT (t1.*), (CAST (COALESCE(NULLIF((CAST (json_agg((t2.*)) AS TEXT)), '[null]'), '[]') AS JSON)) AS articles,
ST_Distance(ST_SetSRID(ST_POINT($1, $2), $3), (t1.address), $4) AS distance
FROM user AS t1
INNER JOIN article AS t2 ON ((t2.user_id) = (t1.id))
WHERE (ST_Distance(ST_SetSRID(ST_POINT($1, $2), $3), (t1.address), $4) <= $5)
GROUP BY (t1.id) ORDER BY (t1.name) ASC LIMIT 10)
Simple concepts, powerful tool.
Note: the fixed_json_agg
is because of this annoying bug.
var ins = Sql.insert(user).set({ name: "foo" }).set("bio", "some info ehre").returning("id");
var upd = Sql.update(user).set("bio", "some info here").where(user.f("id").EQ(321));
{ params: [ 'foo', 'some info ehre' ],
text: 'INSERT INTO user (name, bio) VALUES ($1, $2) RETURNING id' }
{ params: [ 'some info here', 321 ],
text: 'UPDATE user SET bio=$1 WHERE ((user.id) = $2)' }
More ANSI functions and operators. Support UNION, INTERSECT and anything else. Everything else.
I never packaged something for npm or bower, if you like to please file a PR. I will accept whatever.