
A utility that can download JavaScript and TypeScript module graphs and store them locally in a special zip file.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A utility that can download JavaScript and TypeScript module graphs and store them locally in a special zip file.

To create a new archive:

> eszip get https://raw.githubusercontent.com/satyarohith/kament/main/mod.ts
Download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/satyarohith/kament/main/mod.ts
Wrote es.zip

To print the list of modules in an eszip file:

> eszip list es.zip

To read a module from the archive:

> eszip read es.zip https://denopkg.com/chiefbiiko/sha512/mod.ts
import { encode, decode } from "./deps.ts";

/** Byte length of a SHA512 hash. */
export const BYTES: number = 64;

/** A class representation of the SHA2-512 algorithm. */
export class SHA512 {
  readonly hashSize: number = BYTES;