
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Plug and play configurations and data for countries, states and cities from all over the globe.


  • Django >= 3.8 *
  • Python >= 3.8 *
  • Django Rest Framework >= 3.13 *
    • This requirement is only necessary if you are using the provided REST endpoints.
  • django-filter >= 23.0 *
    • This requirement is only necessary if you are using the provided REST endpoints.

(*) Not tested with earlier versions.

Quick Setup

Install package

pip install django-global-places

Add django_global_places app to INSTALLED_APPS in your django settings.py:

    'rest_framework', # required only if using the provided REST endpoints

(Optional) Include viewset routes

from django_global_places.urls import router as django_global_places_router


This library handles the configuration and creation of Countries, States, and Cities.

After installation, you need to specify three parameters in your settings.py file:

  • INCLUDE_LOCATION: Enables the creation of the models.
  • LOCATION_SCOPE: Determines the scope of models required ('country', 'state', or 'city').
  • INCLUDE_EXPANDED_COUNTRY: Incorporates additional fields into the Country model.

And you have this 3 optional extra parameters:

  • COUNTRY_MODEL: Allows you to integrate the library with a custom country model in case you need extra fields.
  • STATE_MODEL: Allows you to integrate the library with a custom state model in case you need extra fields.
  • CITY_MODEL: Allows you to integrate the library with a custom city model in case you need extra fields.


	"LOCATION_SCOPE": "state",
	"COUNTRY_MODEL": "django_global_places.Country",
	"STATE_MODEL": "django_global_places.State",
	"CITY_MODEL": "django_global_places.City",

Once these variables are configured, your next steps are to run django migrate command.

To populate the newly created models, you should execute a Django command. This command will create all the necessary objects and update them if they already exist.

python manage.py populate_global_places

Rest endpoints

Three viewsets are included, one for each model: Country, State, and City. Each viewset features:

A list view displaying a summary of the objects. A detail view presenting comprehensive information about each object.

  • CountryViewSet:

    • url: global-places/countries
    • search fields: name and iso3
    • ordering fields: id, name and iso3
  • StateViewSet:

    • url: global-places/states
    • search fields: name and state_code
    • ordering fields: id, name and state_code
    • filtering fields: country
  • CityViewSet:

    • url: global-places/cities
    • search fields: name
    • ordering fields: id and name
    • filtering fields: state, state__country

Full examples here in Postman collection.

Using custom models

The library allows the use of customized models in case additional fields need to be added to the existing models.

It is important that the custom models inherit from the library's abstract classes. For this, there are methods in the utils that return the corresponding abstract model for each one.

Once created, they must be specified in the library configuration as indicated above. This will allow the database population command to use those models instead of the default ones.


Special thanks to the Countries States Cities Database for providing the JSON files used for populating the data.


Maintained and developed by Linkchar Software Development.