
An awesome list of xiangqi related resources

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Awesome Xiangqi Awesome

A curated list of xiangqi related resources.

Xiangqi, also known as Chinese chess, is a two-players abstract strategy board-game from China, with a long history of tradition, theory and tactics.

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General websites

Websites to play

All websites allow to play with other people and watch ongoing games.

Website Play with computer Analysis board Puzzles Other
https://www.xiangqi.com pikafish, multiple levels pikafish yes chat, lessons and articles
https://elephantchess.io pikafish or fairy-stockfish, multiple levels pikafish yes gamedatabase
https://www.clubxiangqi.com/ no no no discussion forum
https://www.pychess.org/ fairy-stockfish, multiple levels fairy-stockfish yes supports other chess variants, some lessons and articles
https://www.playok.com/ no no no supports also other chess variants and board games

Games databases


Introductory books


Tactics / puzzles


Ancient manuals

Games collections

YouTube channels


  • pikafish - Strong engine for xiangqi based on stockfish.
  • fairy-stockfish - Strong engine based on stockfish, which also supports other chess and xiangqi variants.

Computer xiangqi

Other useful tools

  • xiangqi-setup - Python script to generate board images from FEN or WXF formats.
  • xiangqi-book-example - LaTeX template to write text about xiangqi, using xiangqi-setup to generate board images from FEN notation.
