You can easily create round-robin rounds for a tournament.
Laravel ready.
There are two methods. One is BergerAlgorithm($teams) which takes an array of teams as argument and returns the set of matches.
Given an array of teams like:
['Juventus', 'Milan', 'Roma', 'Napoli', 'Inter']
the method returns a multilevel array, in which the first level is the game day:
['REST', 'Juventus'], ['Inter', 'Milan'], ['Napoli', 'Roma']
['Juventus', 'Milan'], ['Roma', 'REST'], ['Napoli', 'Inter']
['Roma', 'Juventus'], ['Milan', 'Napoli'], ['REST', 'Inter']
['Juventus', 'Napoli'], ['Inter', 'Roma'], ['REST', 'Milan']
['Inter', 'Juventus'], ['Napoli', 'REST'], ['Roma', 'Milan']
If the team count is odd, it adds a dummy team.
The other one is distributeAmongRounds($teams, $rounds) which takes as arguments an array of teams and the desired amount of rounds. I suggest you to shuffle() your team dataset before providing it to the function.
Given an array of teams like this and '3' as a desired amount of rounds:
['Milan', 'Roma', 'Juventus', 'Napoli', 'Inter', 'Lazio', 'Fiorentina', 'Udinese', 'Sampdoria', 'Genoa'],
the method returns a multilevel array:
['Genoa', 'Fiorentina', 'Napoli', 'Milan'],
['Sampdoria', 'Lazio', 'Juventus'],
['Udinese', 'Inter', 'Roma']
composer require lucagentile\roundrobin-scheduler
add the ServiceProvider class name under 'providers' in config/app.php
then add the alias under 'aliases' for the Facade
'RoundRobinScheduler' => Gautile\RoundRobin\Facades\RoundRobinScheduler::class,