
I/O Web App

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Google I/O 2015 web app



  • Go 1.4.

  • Optional: gcloud tool and app component to run and deploy GAE-based backend (hint: gcloud components update app).

    Once gcloud and app component are installed, you'll need to do a one-off configuration by executing the following command: gcloud config set project <project-id>. Project ID can be any non-empty string if you just want to run the app locally.


  1. git clone https://github.com/GoogleChrome/ioweb2015.git
  2. cd ioweb2015
  3. npm install
  4. gulp setup

If you plan on modifying source code, be a good citizen and:

  1. Install EditorConfig plugin for your favourite browser. The plugin should automatically pick up the .editorconfig settings.
  2. Obey the pre-commit hook that's installed as part of gulp setup. It will check for JavaScript and code style errors before committing to the master branch.


Run gulp serve to start a standalone backend, while still enjoying live-reload. You'll need Go for that.

Normally the app is running in "dev" environment but you can change that by providing --env argument to the gulp task:

# run in dev mode, default:
gulp serve
# set app environment to production:
gulp serve --env prod
# or run as if we were in staging:
gulp serve --env stage

Not that this does not change the way the backend code is compiled or the front-end is built. It merely changes a variable values, which the app takes into account when rendering a page or responding to a request.

Running in stage or prod requires real credentials when accessing external services. You'll need to run a one-off gulp decrypt which will decrypt a service account private key.

You can also use GAE dev appserver by running gulp serve:gae. This is closer to what we're using in our webapp environment but a bit slower on startup. You'll need gcloud tool and app component to do this.

To change the app environment when using GAE SDK, provide --env argument:

# run in dev mode, default:
gulp serve:gae
# set app environment to production:
gulp serve:gae --env prod
# or run as if we were in staging:
gulp serve:gae --env stage

Other arguments are:

  • --no-watch don't watch for file changes and recompile relative bits.
  • --open open serving url in a new browser tab on start.
  • --reload enable live reload. Always watches for file changes; --no-watch will have no effect.


Run gulp. This will create dist directory with both front-end and backend parts, ready for deploy.

Note: Build won't succeed if either gulp jshint or gulp jscs reports errors.

You can also serve the build from dist by running gulp serve:dist, and navigating to http://localhost:8080.

serve:dist runs the app in prod mode by default. You can change that by providing the --env argument as with other serve tasks. For instance:

# run in stage instead of prod
gulp serve:dist --env stage


To deploy complete application on App Engine:

  1. Run gulp which will build both frontend and backend in dist directory.
  2. Run gcloud preview app deploy dist/backend --version <v>.

The app will be deployed to the project configured in gcloud tool. To check which project you're deploying to, run gcloud config list and look for project = ... line.


Backend is written in Go. It can run on either Google App Engine or any other platform as a standalone binary program.

gulp backend will build a self-sufficient backend server and place the binary in backend/bin/server.

gulp backend:test will run backend server tests. If, while working on the backend, you feel tired of running the command again and again, use gulp backend:test --watch to watch for file changes and re-run tests automatically.

Add --gae cmd line argument to the test task to run GAE-based tests.


A list of tools to help in a debugging process. NOT available in prod

Proxy with the service account credentials


The backend will GET some-url and respond back with the original status code, content-type header and the content.

Useful for browsing original CMS data on staging GCS bucket:


List contents of Google Drive AppFolder.


Send GCM push notifications


Follow instructions on that page.

On staging server this is go/iowastaging/debug/push

Re-sync local datastore with remote
