Greetings, I am Lucas Althoff a motivated physicist with Computer Science PhD from Brazil.
I'm a Husband, Father, Professor, and Developer !!
- 🔭 I’m currently working on: Data Warehouse Modeling, Big data ETL and Full Stack APP
- 🌱 I’m currently learning: Advanced ETL and Data Warehouse Modeling, CI/CD, React Front-End
- 👯 I'm collaborating with EXPO-ride and Align360 projects
- 🐬 Honored to have collaborated with GPDS - UnB & LMI - Sentinela & [Smartcity Games]
- ⚡ Fun fact: I understand that science and art can become a powerful tool to overcome inequality in the world, turning science less boring and art even more expansive. Contributing with Audiovisual Projects (as well as other cultural projects) is a personal goal, which I’d could collaborate to bring a positive social impact by making use of the technical knowledge developed in academic context.