
Dockerized full stack application where it is possible to view rankings and matches of football teams

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Project Trybe Soccer Club

In this repository there is a Full Stack application, from back-end to front-end, and the front-end was developed by Trybe. I was responsible for the development of the API (using TDD), database and application integration through docker-compose.

The API was developed using TypeScript following the principles of SOLID and POO, Sequelize for data modeling, sinon and chai for creation and test stubs.


Viewing the application: going through the login, matches and leaderboard routes.


  • Login
  • View a table with all teams and their rankings
  • Filter sorting by home or visitor
  • View matches in progress or finished
  • Filters matches that are in progress or finished

Running locally

Clone the project

  git clone git@github.com:lucas-da-silva/project-trybe-soccer-club.git

Enter the project directory

  cd project-trybe-soccer-club

Upload the containers e install the dependencies (required docker-compose)

  npm run compose:up

The frontend is configured for port: 3000

Stop the containers

  npm run compose:down

Running the tests

Enter the backend container with the following command

  docker exec -it app_backend sh

Running the tests

    npm test

API documentation

Returns a login token

   POST /login

Request body

  "email": "user@user.com", // Be valid and in the database
  "password": "secret_user", // Size greater than 6 and match the email

Response body

  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MSwicm9sZSI6ImFkbWluIiwiaWF0IjoxNjU0NTI3MTg5fQ.XS_9AA82iNoiVaASi0NtJpqOQ_gHSHhxrpIdigiT-fc" // Token generated.

Returns role

  GET /login/validate

In the header

Authorization token (created in the previous route)

Response body

{ "role": "admin" }

Returns all teams

  GET /teams

Response body

    "id": 1,
    "teamName": "Avaí/Kindermann"

Returns a team

  GET /teams/${id}
Parameter Type Description
id number Required. The ID to time you want

Response body

    "id": 1,
    "teamName": "Avaí/Kindermann"

Returns all matches including team name

  GET /matches

This route can use query string as a parameter

Parameter Type Description
inProgress boolean Optional. Used to filter ongoing (true) or finished (false) matches

Response body

    "id": 1,
    "homeTeamId": 16,
    "homeTeamGoals": 1,
    "awayTeamId": 8,
    "awayTeamGoals": 1,
    "inProgress": false,
    "homeTeam": {
      "teamName": "São Paulo"
    "awayTeam": {
      "teamName": "Grêmio"

Create a new match

  POST /matches

In the header

Authorization token (created in POST /login)

Request body

  "homeTeamId": 16, // The value must be the team id
  "awayTeamId": 8, // The value must be the team id
  "homeTeamGoals": 2,
  "awayTeamGoals": 2

Response body

  "id": 1,
  "homeTeamId": 16,
  "homeTeamGoals": 2,
  "awayTeamId": 8,
  "awayTeamGoals": 2,
  "inProgress": true

Update matches in progress

  PATCH /matches/${id}
Parameter Type Description
id number Required. The match ID you want to update

Request boby

  "homeTeamGoals": 3,
  "awayTeamGoals": 1

Response body

{ "message": "Updated" }

Finish a match

  PATCH /matches/${id}/finished
Parameter Type Description
id number Required. The ID of the match you want to end

Response body

{ "message": "Finished" }

Team ranking

  GET /leaderboard

Response body

    "name": "Palmeiras",
    "totalPoints": 13,
    "totalGames": 5,
    "totalVictories": 4,
    "totalDraws": 1,
    "totalLosses": 0,
    "goalsFavor": 17,
    "goalsOwn": 5,
    "goalsBalance": 12,
    "efficiency": "86.67"

Ranking of teams with home games

  GET /leaderboard/home

Response body

    "name": "Santos",
    "totalPoints": 9,
    "totalGames": 3,
    "totalVictories": 3,
    "totalDraws": 0,
    "totalLosses": 0,
    "goalsFavor": 9,
    "goalsOwn": 3,
    "goalsBalance": 6,
    "efficiency": "100.00"

Ranking of teams with away games

  GET /leaderboard/away

Response body

    "name": "Palmeiras",
    "totalPoints": 6,
    "totalGames": 2,
    "totalVictories": 2,
    "totalDraws": 0,
    "totalLosses": 0,
    "goalsFavor": 7,
    "goalsOwn": 0,
    "goalsBalance": 7,
    "efficiency": "100.00"

Stack used

Full-stack: Docker

Front-end: React, axios

Back-end: Typescript, Express, Sequelize, Sinon.JS, Chai, JWT, bcrypt

Database: MySQL