
Server for synchronizing (EMF-based) models in a single-user scenario

Primary LanguageJavaEclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0

modelserver Build Status

Build the modelserver

To build and test the components as well as building the modelserver as standalone JAR execute the following maven goal in the root directory:

mvn clean install

Run the modelserver

Run the modelserver in an IDE

To run the example modelserver within an IDE, run the main method of ExampleServerLauncher.java as a Java Application, located in the module com.eclipsesource.modelserver.example.

Run the modelserver standalone JAR

To run the model server standalone JAR, run this command in your terminal:

cd  examples/com.eclipsesource.modelserver.example/target/
java -jar com.eclipsesource.modelserver.example-X.X.X-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar


usage: java -jar com.eclipsesource.modelserver.example-X.X.X-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
       [-e] [-h] [-p <arg>] [-r <arg>]

 -e,--errorsOnly   Only log errors
 -h,--help         Display usage information about ModelServer
 -p,--port <arg>   Set server port, otherwise default port 8081 is used
 -r,--root <arg>   Set workspace root

Use the modelserver API

If the modelserver is up and running, you can access the modelserver API via http://localhost:8081/api/v1/*.

The following table shows the current HTTP endpoints:

Category Description HTTP method Path Input Examples
Models Get model GET /models/:modeluri path parameter: modeluri
  • /api/v1/models/Coffee.ecore
  • /api/v1/models/SuperBrewer3000.coffee
  • /api/v1/models/SuperBrewer3000.json
Get all loaded models GET /models -
Get all loaded model URIs GET /modeluris -
Create new model POST /models application/json
Update model PATCH /models/:modeluri path parameter: modeluri
Delete model DELETE /models/:modeluri path parameter: modeluri
JSON schema Get JSON schema of a model GET /schema/:modeluri path parameter: modeluri
Server actions Ping server GET /api/v1/server/ping -
Update server configuration PUT /api/v1/server/configure application/json

Subscriptions are implemented via websockets ws://localhost:8081/api/v1/*.

The following table shows the current WS endpoints:

Description Path Input Returns
Subscribe to model changes /subscribe/:modeluri path parameter: modeluri sessionId

Java client API

The modelserver project features a Java-based client API that eases integration with the model server. The interface declaration looks as follows

public interface ModelServerClientApiV1 {

    CompletableFuture<Response<String>> get(String modelUri);

    CompletableFuture<Response<List<String>>> getAll();

    CompletableFuture<Response<Boolean>> delete(String modelUri);

    CompletableFuture<Response<String>> update(String modelUri, String updatedModel, String mediaType);

    CompletableFuture<Response<String>> getSchema(String modelUri);

    CompletableFuture<Response<Boolean>> configure(ServerConfiguration configuration);

    CompletableFuture<Response<Boolean>> ping();

    void subscribe(String modelUri);

    boolean unsubscribe(String modelUri);

REST API Example

// You can customize the underlying okhttp instance by passing it in as a 1st parameter 
ModelServerClient client = new ModelServerClient("http://localhost:8081/api/v1/");

// perform simple GET
      .thenAccept(response -> System.out.println(response.body()));

// perform same GET, but expect XMI format      
      .thenAccept(response -> System.out.println(response.body()));
// perform POST
client.update("SuperBrewer3000.json", "{ \"data\": <payload> }")
      .thenAccept(response -> System.out.println(response.body()));

// perform POST with XMI format
client.update("SuperBrewer3000.json?format=xmi", client.encode(brewingUnit, "xmi"))
  .thenAccept(response -> {
    client.get("SuperBrewer3000.json?format=xmi").thenAccept(resp -> {
      System.out.println(client.decode(resp.body(), "xmi"));

Subscriptions Example

If you want to be notified about any changes happening on a certain model, you can subscribe with a SubscriptionListener.

ModelServerClient client = new ModelServerClient("http://localhost:8081/api/v1/");
String subscriptionId = "SuperBrewer3000.json?format=xmi";
client.subscribe(subscriptionId, new SubscriptionListener() {
  public void onOpen(Response<String> response) {
    System.out.println("connected: " + response.getMessage());

  public void onMessage(String response) {
    System.out.println("message received: " + response);

  public void onClosing(int code, @NotNull String reason) {

  public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
    System.out.println("Failed: ");

  public void onClosed(int code, @NotNull String reason) {
    System.out.println("Connected closed");

  public void onFailure(Throwable t, Response<String> response) {
    System.out.println("Failed: " + response);

Unit Testing
