
Early-Evening Predict of Elections Using Probabilistic Graphical Models

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Early-Evening prediction of US presidential elections using DAG and MRF models and MCMC.

A guide to this code

  1. Preprocess.ipynb: Data was preprocessed going from presidential_general_polls.csv to full_data.csv. Put final means of predictions from last 3 days in final_means.csv.
  2. Preproc_results.ipynb: Puts unorganized election data into organized results.csv which includes clinton%, electoral votes, and poll closing time for each state.
  3. Impute.ipynb: Used MICE 10 times to create 10 filled data matrices. Saved list to pkl file as data_fill.pkl. Subtract means to make gaussian easier.
  4. Learn_PC.ipynb: Used PCAlg to learn DAG for each MICE filled graph using BIC score to select best alpha each time. Analyzed results and saved DAG that takes only values that are in 5 or more learned DAGs in DAG_PC.csv
  5. Learn_MRF.ipynb: Used Glasso to learn MRF for each MICE filled graph. Analyzed results and saved MRF that takes only values that are in 5 or more learned MRFs in MRF.csv. Save MRF using MLE for weights.
  6. MLE_Gaussian.ipynb learns MLES for Gaussian models for PC DAGs. Saves to MLE_PC.pkl
  7. MCMC.ipynb: Do conditional queries from DAG and MRF using both simple Metropolis Hastings algo and Goodman & Weare’s Affine Invariant Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Ensemble sampler. For DAG and MRF keep track of electoral votes and clinton percentage in each swing state after results come in for different time slots. Save to pickle files of the form <MODEL>_<MCMC_TYPE>_<TIME>.pkl
  8. Explore.ipynb: I explore the results and make some tables and graphs.