ServerStatusBot is a powerful plugin designed to integrate your Minecraft server with Discord, providing real-time updates about the server status directly in a specified Discord channel. This plugin is compatible with Velocity, BungeeCord, and Bukkit platforms.
- Real-Time Updates: Automatically updates the Discord embed with the current server status and player count.
- Customizable Embeds: Fully customizable embed messages, including title, description, fields, colors, images, thumbnails, and footer icons.
- Markdown Support: Supports markdown formatting in embed fields for enhanced text styling.
- Connection Resilience: Automatically attempts to reconnect to Discord in case of connection failures, with configurable retry settings.
- Offline Status Handling: Automatically updates the embed to reflect the server's offline status when the server shuts down or the plugin is disabled.
- Placeholders: Use placeholders to dynamically display information such as time, date, player count, and more.
-> The time in the HH:mm:ss format%date%
-> The date in the dd/MM/yyyy format%date-us%
-> The date in the MM/dd/yyyy format%player_count%
-> The number of players online%max_players%
-> The maximum number of players that can be online%players%
-> The server's players%players_list%
-> The server's players list
Create a new Discord Application here.
Enable the "MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT" permission:
Grant the necessary permissions in your Discord Server.
Select a channel to be the status channel and copy the ID.
Configure the plugin:
Edit the
file in your server's plugins folder to customize the bot settings and embed "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN" guild-id: "YOUR_GUILD_ID" channel-id: "YOUR_CHANNEL_ID" update-message: 120 connection-attempts: 3 reconnect-interval: 5 online-embed: title: "Server Status" timestamp: false color: "#7edb64" fields: - name: "> **Status**" value: "```fix\nOnline```" inline: true - name: "> **Players**" value: "```cs\n%player_count%```" inline: true - name: "IP:" value: "```prolog\nONEWAYCRAFT.NET```" inline: false - name: "Bedrock port:" value: "```yaml\n19132```" inline: false avatar: "" avatar_url: "" image: "" thumbnail: "" footer: "Last update: %time%" footer_icon: "" offline-embed: title: "Server Status" timestamp: false color: "#ca3931" fields: - name: "> **Status**" value: "```ml\nOffline```" inline: true - name: "> **Players**" value: "```%player_count%```" inline: true - name: "IP:" value: "``````" inline: false - name: "Bedrock port:" value: "```yaml\n19132```" inline: false avatar: "" avatar_url: "" image: "" thumbnail: "" footer: "Shutdown time: %date% - %time%" footer_icon: ""
Start your server:
The plugin will automatically connect to Discord and start updating the embed with the server status.
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit pull requests for any enhancements or bug fixes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
- Thanks to the creators of the JDA library for their excellent Discord API wrapper.
- Thanks to the Velocity, BungeeCord, and Bukkit communities for their support and documentation.
Feel free to customize this README further to match your specific needs and details about your project.