
Facial Expression Remover based on Arahusky's SegNet version

Remoção de Expressões Faciais

Este projeto tem como objetivo a remoção de expressões faciais em imagens de profundidade, com redes neurais baseadas em Tensorflow, no modelo de rede desenvolvido por Arahusky e outros artifícios.

Visão Geral

O principal arquivo do projeto é o convworking.py, que contém toda a definição da rede a ser treinada. Utilizamos também a classe layer.py, que implementa as classes conv2d.py e max_pool_2d.py, criadas por Arahusky em seu projeto. O dataset utilizado está contido na pasta data128_128, separado em treino, validação e teste (sem uma respectiva proporção).

Arquitetura do Modelo

Visão Geral

TODO O sistema There are many neural network architectures for semantic image segmentation (to have some basic overview, you can read project_summary.pdf), but most of them use convolutional encoder-decoder architecture.

Convolutional encoder-decoder architecture of popular SegNet model

Encoder in these networks has in many cases structure similar to some image classification neural network (e.g. vgg-16). Layers in the decoder are then ussualy inverse to layers used in the encoder (e.g. for convolution that makes its input smaller, we use deconvolution; for max_pool we use some form of "demax_pool").


Inspired by previous success of convolutional encoder-decoder architectures, we decided to implement it as well. In the encoder part, we use three similar "modules", each consisting of convolution layer with stride 2 followed by convolutution layer with stride 1 and no-overlapping max_pool with kernel 2. The decoder section then for each layer in the encoder contains its "counter-part" (network output dimension == input dimension):

  • for no-shrinking convolution layer use the same layer
  • for shrinking convolution layer use transposed deconvolution with same arguments
  • for max pool layer use nearest neighbour upsampling (tf.image.resize_nearest_neighbor)

We also found that adding skip-links from encoder to decoder makes the model perform better (~1%).

*Convolutional encoder-decoder architecture used in this project*


This project uses publicly available dataset of faces: http://vis-www.cs.umass.edu/lfw/part_labels. The repository contains three versions of this dataset differing in the image resolution (28x28, 128x128, 250x250).

The original dataset consists of three target categories (face, hair, background). To make the segmentation easier, we decided to create two subsets of original targets: one containing merged hair and background classes("targets_face_only") and other containing merged hair and face classes("targets").


We experimented with several architectures (some of them are mentioned in project_summary.pdf). Even though original images are RGB, we decided to use them in grayscale. The best performance we managed to achieve on 128x128 images was 97.36% in means of per-pixel accuracy.

*Sample results of the best model segmentation. The first row contains input faces, second ground truth image segmentation, third model output and the fourth row shows thresholded model output*


  • Python 3.5
  • Tensorflow > 1.0
  • Opencv 3.x

