
Realtime messaging server - backend in Go, client-side binding in ReactJS

Primary LanguageGo

Build Status

Neighbour.ly: Server


This is the back-end of Neighbour.ly, a communications app produced as part of our final two-week project of Makers Academy.

To see the ReactJS front-end, click here.

Neighbour.ly was produced as part of a wider challenge to learn how to use Go without prior knowledge. To see a record of our learning process and how we came to build Neighbour.ly, click here


Go must be installed and your workspace configured to use this repo. For instructions on this, click here.

Install & run locally

$ brew install gorethinkdb
$ brew services start rethinkdb
$ go get github.com/ainsleybc/neighbourly
$ cd src/github.com/ainsleybc/neighbourly
$ go get ./...
$ go run db/dbSetup/dbSetup.go
$ go build
$ ./neighbourly

With the server running, you can then manually simulate messages sent from the front-end with JavaScript, using the console in your web browser or a service like JSBin.

For example:

var ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:4000")
ws.send('{"name": "feed add","data": {"address":"Makers Academy"}')


$ go test -v ./...

Technologies used


Main server-side language



External packages

  • GoRethink: RethinkDB Driver for Go
  • wstest: Client for testing WebSocket connections in Go
  • Gorilla websocket: A Websocket implementation for Go
  • Map Structure: A Go library for decoding map values into structs
  • Bcrypt: Adaptive hasing algorithm for passwords

File Manifest

|-- neighbourly
    |-- README.md
    |-- integration.md
    |-- main.go
    |-- app
    |   |-- client.go
    |   |-- handlers.go
    |   |-- messages.go
    |   |-- router.go
    |-- test
        |-- LoginUser_test.go
        |-- addFeed_test.go
        |-- addPost_test.go
        |-- signUpUser_test.go
        |-- subscribeFeed_test.go
        |-- subscribePost_test.go
        |-- rethinkdb_data
            |-- log_file
            |-- metadata
