This is a place where a publish all my work building a pick and place machine including mechanics, electronics, Marlin firmware modifications and 3D printed designs.
The machine is driven by the excellent and open sourced OpenPNP software.
This is still a work-in-progress project, so not everything is either published or at final stage. Currently following tasks are ongoing:
Currently the Z-axis uses Igus slider which are showing high tolerances when pushed/pulled in Y direction. The rails will be therefore replaced with dual MGN9 rails with 2 carriages each for better stability/accuracy. A dual rail design could then also be used for a dual-nozzle setup.
Also the Igus rails on the X-axis are unacceptable. Seems Igus rails are only halfway usable when lying flat, just like for the Y-axis. The new X-axis will use two MGN9 rails, one on top and one at the bottom of the X-axis profile.
- 12.09.2020 : Added X belt tensioner mount
- 24.08.2020 : Added vacuum pump mount
- 23.08.2020 : Added OpenSCAD designs for electronics
- 23.08.2020 : Added Y axis OpenSCAD design files
- 15.08.2020 : Updated Tool Changer design
- 14.08.2020 : Added OpenSCAD Camera Mounts
- 14.08.2020 : Added OpenSCAD CP40 Nozzle Holder