BootstrapCake Shell Template

BootstrapCake is a shell template for rapidly developing beautiful Bootstrap themed CakePHP applications through the CakePHP console. The default template uses the ugly CakePHP styling but this template makes your app look beautiful by default.



In your current project folder you can clone BootstrapCake using:

git clone Plugin/BootstrapCake


Using as Submodule:

git submodule add Plugin/BootstrapCake

PS: If you have problem using submodule, try git submodule init before add submodule, and git submodule update after.


Extract the files into the proper directory (probably app\Plugin) and rename folder to BootstrapCake.


Can you generate views and controllers to use in your project with commands below:

  • Generating Controller:
Console\cake bake controller Users -t bootstrap
  • Generating View:
Console\cake bake view Users -t bootstrap


Can you use Bootstrap Layout and elements in your own Views and Controllers importing plugin files:

  • On view files:
# Views\Pages\bootstrap-example.ctp
echo echo $this->element('BootstrapCake.navigation');
  • On controllers files:
# Controller\UsersController.php
public function beforeFilter() {
    // your app code here
    $this->layout = 'BootstrapCake.bootstrap';

To customize views, I sugest you generate view files using Console\cake bake explained above and make your own changes.

Thanks for use!