
My custom panda theme

MIT LicenseMIT

My Panda Theme

Preview of the theme in Panda.app

I have created my own Panda theme, which is based on the default theme and a rip-off from heavily inspired by iA Writer. It uses:

  • iA Mono Writer Mono of the open source iA-Fonts
  • A combination of the iA Writer color scheme, the original color scheme and a custom Highlighter color
  • A huge font size because i'm blind 🤓
  • Some slight modifications to the styling

Using the Theme

The instructions assume you have Panda.app installed in the Application folder and the iA-Fonts active. First create a backup of the original themes:

sudo mv /Applications/Panda.app/Contents/Resources/panda.theme /Applications/Panda.app/Contents/Resources/panda.theme.bak
sudo mv /Applications/Panda.app/Contents/Resources/panda.theme /Applications/Panda.app/Contents/Resources/dark.theme.bak

Subsequently copy (linking the files doesn't seam to work) the custom themes into the app bundle

sudo cp path/to/repo/panda.theme /Applications/Panda.app/Contents/Resources/panda.theme
sudo cp path/to/repo/dark.theme /Applications/Panda.app/Contents/Resources/dark.theme

Since Panda has (to the best of my knowledge) no official support for themes, updating the app will overwrite the copied custom themes.