
My personal website demonstrating my story and skills. Made with React.js and Tailwind.css

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Link to the app


🔍 Summary

📗 About

Portfolio to showcase my skills as a developer. It tells my story and trajectory up to the present moment, experiences, education, etc.

💻 Functionalities

  • Responsiveness (Mobile First)
  • Improved UI/UX

👨‍🚀 Next Updates

  • Upcoming new projects

🚀 Technologies used

The project was developed using the following technologies

  • React.js
  • JavaScript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Figma

🎮 How to download

    # Clone the repository
    $ git clone https://github.com/lucascmpos/lucascmpos-portfolio

    # Install the dependencies
    $ npm i

    # Started the project
    $ npm run dev

Developed by 🐉 Lucas Campos