
Project 1 from Brad Traversy's React course, this time using context API and hooks

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GitHub User Finder 2

This project is part of Brad's Traversy course "React Front to back 2019". It consists of a github client that allows the user to search for other users and see their github information, e.g. hireability, repos, bio information and etc. All the data is fetched from the github API. This is the second version of the repo GitHub User Finder, but this time the code was refactored to use hooks and the context API.

How to run it

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

What I learned

  • This project was my first contact with hooks and the context API
  • I refactored the aplication to use only function based components
  • I learned how to use hooks to allow the function based components to have state
  • Then, I learned how to structure my aplication to have a global state
  • I learned how to use a reducer to manage the interactions with the state