
A boilerplate for node-focused open-source libraries.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Node Library Boilerplate

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A boilerplate for node-focused open-source libraries.

This boilerplate is the starting point for Lucas's node targeted open-source libraries.


[explain why] Everytime I needed to start a new open-source project focused on Node applications I had to go over the same setup all over again. Linting, testing, QA setup, compiling, etc, etc. This boilerplate aims to reduce this setup overhead by providing a ground-zero starting point for my own libraries - and for those who my enjoy it as well.


Clone this project, re-initialize Git, and go on with your life. The following is just to keep an example for future libraries ;)


npm i node-contrib-boilerplate


import library from 'node-library-boilerplate'

// sample usage...