The SCFacebook 4.1 is a simple and cleaner to use the api facebook-ios-sdk Objective-C Wrapper ( to perform login, get friends list, information about the user and posting on the wall with ^Block for iPhone. Suporte 4.71 FBSDKCoreKit, FBSDKShareKit and FBSDKLoginKit. Facebook SDK
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#28 opened by ngocle8037 - 1
pod lib lint SCFacebook.podspec fails validation & thus fails importation into Swift
#16 opened by neilabdev - 0
Pages options don't work
#19 opened by mkc842 - 1
getPhotosAlbumById:(NSString *)albumId callBack:(SCFacebookCallback)callBack does not work properly
#20 opened by kcisoul - 2
getfriends stop working
#22 opened by syrakozz - 0
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share video and other media
#24 opened by syrakozz - 1
can`t login with the latest version
#26 opened by syrakozz - 0
Access has not been granted to the Facebook account. Verify device settings
#18 opened by ravipothkunuri - 2
I am not getting Friend List.
#17 opened by BhaveshDhaduk - 1
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facebook sdk update
#12 opened by syrakozz - 1
Analyzer issue reported
#13 opened by foffux - 3
Not able to get friend list
#11 opened by rohitjindal1184 - 2
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login via facebook popup
#10 opened by syrakozz - 1
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GetFriend List not working
#9 opened by sourabh-vvdn - 0
Problem in inviteFriendsWithMessage
#5 opened by BhaveshDhaduk - 1