
Code Club Day

Covers operators, input and output operations, and control statements.

Coding Shiksha

18 videos starting with variables, numbers, casting, stings and ending with classes, iterators, and modules.

Conceptual Learning of Python

No additional details exist for this record. If you have used this resource share your thoughts!

Corey Schafer

In these Python Beginner Tutorials, we will be learning the fundamentals of Python programming from the ground up. We will be learning how to: install/setup Python on Mac and Windows, work with basic data types, write conditionals, write for/while loops, write functions, import modules, and explore the standard library.

For the difference between Threading and Multi-Processing try this video

Eric Sandberg

Open source Python library for rapid development of applications that make use of innovative user interfaces, such as multi-touch apps. See for more information. I have tried learing KivyMD first but it appears it is better to start with Kivy.

Kivy Quickly

KivyMD: 16 Videos

A four hour video covering the basics starting from install and ending with the python interpreter.

Contains a variety of Python concepts primarily to do with building GUI's with Tkinter. To see of all their work go here

A short five-video playlist great for getting the begginger started with APIs.

** I have been building a Youtube GUI for quite some time now and can now say that it is mostly complete! The link to the project is HERE. The GUI can download Youtube videos, convert them to MP3, generate a description file of your video, and create a written transcript of the audio. Please let me know what you think! (p.s., if you want to use it yourself be sure to install ffmpeg and also get your API key.)

Probably the largest hurdle when learning any new programming language is simply knowing where to get started. This is why we, Chris and Susan, decided to create this series about Python for Beginners!

Even though we won’t cover everything there is to know about Python in the course, we want to make sure we give you the foundation on programming in Python, starting from common everyday code and scenarios. At the end of the course, you’ll be able to go and learn on your own, for example with docs, tutorials, or books.

Python Object Oriented - Learning Python in simple and easy steps ,python,xml,script,install.

A beginner's tutorial containing complete knowledge of Python Syntax Object Oriented Language, Methods, Tuples,Learn,Python,Tutorial,Interactive,Free, Tools/Utilities,Getting the most popular pages from your Apache logfile,Make your life easier with Virtualenvwrapper,This site now runs on Django, has a new owner,How to use Pillow, a fork of PIL,How to use the Python Imaging Library,Python Websites and Tutorials,How to use Envoy,Using Feedparser in Python,Subprocess and Shell Commands in Python, Exceptions Handling, Sockets, GUI, Extentions, XML Programming

Python is simple enough for beginners, powerful enough for the pros. Use it for IOT, Web Scraping, Big Data, and more.

The goal is simple: learn Python by building real projects step-by-step while we explain every concept along the way. For the next 30 Days you're going to learn how to: • Scrape Data from nearly Any Website (including javascript-enabled sites) • Build your own Python applications for all types of automation • Send Emails & SMS text messages to your friends our your customers • Read & Write CSV, aka comma separated values, files to better store your data locally and work in popular programs like Microsoft Excel and Apple Numbers • Understand the basics behind the Python programming language so you're ready to build more advanced projects like Web Applications

This course is there to teach you all these features step by step.

Complete Tutorials for Python Based on Topic Basic , File Handling , Web Scraping , GUI , Tkinter , Dialog Box , PyQt5 , Projects and Much More Topics

Here is all of my Python Programming high quality tutorials!