layout |
default |
- Turn off/uninstall antivirus software
- Plug the USB Display dongle
- Run the driver setup software in USB Mass Storage Device
OS | Driver |
Windows | xx.exe |
MacOS | xx.dmg |
Android | xx.apk |
- Reboot the systerm
MSDisplay_MultiDev_v1.0.1.60.exe MSDisplay_MultiDev_v1.0.1.4.exe MSDisplay_MultiDev_v1.0.1.3.exe
MSDisplay_MacOS_v1.0.2_20200926.dmg MSDisplay_MacOS_v1.0.1.0_20200309.dmg
- The driver was killd by antivirus software
- Add the file into the antivirus software 'Exceptions' or 'Trust' list
- Is it support Win7?
- Need Win7 SP1 or above
- Black screen with mouse only with MacOS?
- System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy -> Screen Recording, find screen_capturee_msdisply and check that
- Portrait mode doesn't work on WIndows?
- Can not support