FlutterRobotAR is an educational AR app for teaching childrens logic based on Flutter/Unity framework for iOS devices.
- Under the scope of NORTE-06-3559-FSE-000188 OleaChain projects.
Walking in augmented reality (AR) with movimentation of an animated-robot for elementary school logic's learning.
- PlaneRecognition scene by using ARFoundation: horizontal planes and ground detection.
- Spatial anchors added by using touchscreen inputs.
- Include image targets for devices without plane recognition feature (using Vuforia SDK).
- ARForundation 5.0.0-pre 13
- Apple ARkit 5.0.0-pre 13
- ARSubsystem 5.0.0-pre 13
- XRLegacy Input helpers 2.1.10
- https://github.com/juicycleff/flutter-unity-view-widget