Odoo Buildout configuration files, tested on Ubuntu 14.04.
This recipes are a fully featured tools allowing you to define and deploy quickly installations of Odoo.
Some of its main features include:
- Installation of Odoo server, uniformly across versions.
- Retrieval of main software and addons from various sources, including the major version control systems
- Ability to pinpoint everything for replayability
- Management of Odoo configuration
- Packaging: creation of self-contained equivalents for easy deployment in tightly controlled hosting environmenents.
- If you intent to run Odoo in your localhost, you'll need to install Postgresql database server. To install 9.5 on Ubuntu 14.04 run:
$~> sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ `lsb_release -cs`-pgdg main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
$~> wget -q https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc -O - | sudo apt-key add -
$~> sudo apt-get update
$~> sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.5 postgresql-client-9.5
$~> sudo su - postgres
$postgres> psql -c "CREATE USER odoo80 WITH PASSWORD 'odoo80' CREATEDB;"
$postgres> psql template1 -c "CREATE EXTENSION unaccent;"
Follow this steps to build an Odoo installation from scratch:
- Clone this repository into a new directory, for example:
$~> mkdir odoo80
$~> cd odoo80
$odoo80> git clone git@github.com:thinkopensolutions/tko-buildout.git
- Run bash script from the repository (to install all dependencies):
$odoo80> ./tko-buildout/setup.sh
- Answer the following script questions (example for localhost):
- Select base buildout file to extend from list (odoo80.cfg);
- Insert database host (localhost);
- Insert database port (5432);
- Insert database user (odoo80);
- Insert database password (odoo80);
- Insert Odoo admin password (admin)
- The script will create buildout.cfg file for you, run bootstrap and buildout a complete Odoo. At the end simply run bin/start_odoo.
- Buildout with:
$odoo80> bin/buildout
- This is the day-to-day operation, rerun to apply any changes you do to buildout.cfg, and update repositories, and start Odoo with:
$odoo80> bin/start_odoo
- You can place Odoo paramenters here like -d -u and others, example:
$odoo80> bin/start_odoo -d DATABASE -u MODULE --stop-after-init