This repository contains multiple python scripts to automatize viewsheds creation from buildings thanks to a DTM (Digital Terrain Model) and a vector layer (point or polygon) of these buildings.
The workflow is divided into several steps :
- Observation points calculation
- (optional) GRASS files management
- (optional) Organizing viewshed files
- QGIS plugin for viewshed visualization
- (optional) Analysing statistically viewsheds
A majority of scripts require QGIS or GRASS GIS, both available at this link:
I achieved this work during the 2019 internship summer at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC-SAZU). The observation points creation process is designed for buildings in mind. User can adjust it for other purposes.
Documentation about the project is in the PDF document. It contains further explanation about how to use scripts, how they work and the overall viewshed analysis made for the ZRC-SAZU on the area around a Mayan city.
Please contact me if you have any questions at the following address: