An introduction to tools and techniques for data visualization with python. This contains materials for the Visualization workshop of AI Deep Dive.
Please get setup before the course
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Data! It's everywhere -- and everyWHEN. Being able to understand and share complex data is a huge part of being a successful data scientist. Being able to navigate the full stack of a data science workflow is a big advantage. We're going to analyze some interesting datasets and build real applications.
Over the course of this workshop you will learn:
- How to create stunning interactive visualizations in Python
- How to share your findings with others
- How to develop and publish full-fledged dashboards in The Cloud
- Jupyter Notebooks
- What are they?
- Why use them?
- [Visualization with Python: static plots](Full/Part 2 - Static Plots/
- what's a python? can I touch it?
- matplotlib
- pandas plot
- seaborn
- [Sharing Notebooks](Full/Part 3 - Sharing Notebooks/
- nbviewer
- [Visualization with Python: interactive plots](Full/Part 4 - Interactive Visualizations/
- ipywidgets
- plotly
- plotly express
- [Dashboarding with Python](Full/Part 5 - Dashboards/
- But first -- Building a Website: The Basics
- JS
- Voila
- Dash by Plotly
- But first -- Building a Website: The Basics
- [Dashboards in the Cloud](Full/Part 6 - Cloud Deployment/
- Deploy your Voila to binder
- Deploy your dash app to heroku