
Adds new form actions and buttons to the GridField detail form

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Better Buttons for GridField


Modifies the detail form of GridFields to use more user-friendly actions, including:

  • Save and add another: Create a record, and go right to adding another one, without having to click the back button, and then add again.
  • Save and close: Save the record and go back to list view
  • User-friendly delete: Extracted from the tray of constructive actions and moved away so is less likely to be clicked accidentally. Includes inline confirmation of action instead of browser alert box.
  • Screenshot
  • Cancel: Same as the back button, but in a more convenient location
  • Previous/Next record: Navigate to the previous or next record in the list without returning to list view
  • Frontend Links: If your DataObject has a Link() method, get links to the draft site and published site to view the record in context in a single click
  • Screenshot
  • Versioning: Save, Save & Publish, Rollback, Unpublish
  • Screenshot
  • Configurable UI: Add buttons to the top (utilities) or bottom (actions).
  • Disambiguated tabs: In model admin, the top tabs toggle between the models. On the detail view, they toggle between the groups of fields, creating a confusing user exierience. Better Buttons groups the fields as they are in CMSMain, using a tabset within the main editing area.
  • Screenshot
  • Add your own custom actions!

Create custom actions the detail view



SilverStripe 3.1 or higher


composer require unclecheese/betterbuttons:1.2.*

Customising the button collections

Preferences for which buttons should appear where will vary from user to user. BetterButtons comes with a default set of button collections for the "create" and "edit" views in a GridField detail form, but these can be easily overridden in a config.yml file.

The default configuration:

    BetterButtonPrevNextAction: true
    BetterButton_New: true
    BetterButtonPrevNextAction: true
    BetterButton_New: true

    BetterButton_Save: true
    BetterButton_SaveAndClose: true

    BetterButton_Save: true
    BetterButton_SaveAndClose: true
    BetterButton_Delete: true
    BetterButtonFrontendLinksAction: true

    BetterButton_SaveDraft: true
    BetterButton_Publish: true
    BetterButton_SaveDraft: true
    BetterButton_Publish: true
    Group_Versioning: true
    BetterButton_Delete: true
    BetterButtonFrontendLinksAction: true

    label: Save and...
      BetterButton_SaveAndAdd: true
      BetterButton_SaveAndClose: true
      BetterButton_SaveAndNext: true
      BetterButton_SaveAndPrev: true
    label: Versioning...
      BetterButton_Rollback: true
      BetterButton_Unpublish: true

Each button type is assigned a symbol in the YAML definition. It can be placed anywhere any number of times. Further, it can be placed in a named group, provided that group has been defined in the BetterButtonsGroups node. A button group is a single button with a label that exposes a series of options on click.

Because of the idiosyncracies of the Config layer merging arrays, the buttons must be defined as on or off (true or false). To remove a button from the default configuration, you must explicitly set it to false in your project configuration. Here is an example custom configuration.

    BetterButton_Save: false
    Group_SaveAnd: false
    Group_MyGroup: true
    label: This is a group
      BetterButton_Save: true
      BetterButton_SaveAndNext: true

When creating groups, be sure not to duplicate any buttons that are outside the group, as form fields with the same name cannot appear twice in a form.

Creating a custom action

In the example below, we'll create a custom action in the GridField detail form that updates a DataObject to be "approved" or "denied."

We can add the action in one of two places:

  • Actions at the bottom of the form (e.g. save, cancel)
  • Utils at the top right of the form (e.g. new record, prev/next)

First, we'll overload the model's getBetterButtonsActions or getBetterButtonsUtils method, depending on where we want the button to appear in the UI.

    public function getBetterButtonsActions() {
        $fields = parent::getBetterButtonsActions();
        if($this->IsApproved) {
            $fields->push(BetterButtonCustomAction::create('deny', 'Deny'));
        else {
            $fields->push(BetterButtonCustomAction::create('approve', 'Approve'));
        return $fields;

The BetterButtonCustomAction object takes parameters for the method name ("deny" or "approve") to invoke on the model, as well as a label for the button.

Now let's add the methods to the DataObject.

    public function approve() {
        $this->IsApproved = true;

    public function deny() {
        $this->IsApproved = false;

Lastly, for security reasons, we need to whitelist these methods as callable by the GridField form. This works a lot like $allowed_actions in controllers.

    private static $better_buttons_actions = array (

Now we have a new button in the UI!


Customising the user experience

Let's ensure that the form refreshes after clicking "approve" or "deny". Additionally, we'll add a success message that will render on completion of the action.

    BetterButtonCustomAction::create('deny', 'Deny')
      ->setSuccessMessage('Denied for publication')

The redirect type can use the constants:


To refresh the form, or go back to list view, respectively.

Defining arbitrary links

Sometimes, you might not want to sent a request to the controller at all. For that, there's the much simpler BetterButtonLink class.

        new BetterButtonLink(
          'View on Meetup.com',


Creating nested forms

You may have an action that needs to prompt for user input, for example "Send this customer message" on an Order record. For complex actions like these, you can use BetterButtonNestedForm.

	public function getBetterButtonsActions() {
		$f = parent::getBetterButtonsActions();
		$f->push(BetterButtonNestedForm::create('sendmessage','Send this customer a message', FieldList::create(

		return $f;

In this case, your action handler receives $data and $form, just like a controller would.

    public function sendmessage ($data, $form) {
    	$message = Message::create(array (
    		'OrderID' => $this->ID,
    		'Content' => $data['Content']

    	$form->sessionMessage('Message sent','good');

Disabling Better Buttons

Sometimes you might find it necessary to disable better buttons on certain classes. You can do this by changing the static better_buttons_enabled to be false via YML configuration.

  better_buttons_enabled: false