
list of things that i'm studying


Made this repo to organize things that i'm studying right now. Just because i've studied it doesn't mean that i'm a expert on it. Some subjects i'm studying only the basics and some others i want to go deeper, but i know it takes time and practice to master.


  • Advanced React Patterns
  • Ruby (+rails)
  • Preact
  • Unit test
  • React Native
  • Typescript
  • Data Visualizaion (D3 pref)
  • CSS modules
  • SASS
  • Webpack
  • GraphQL (with Apollo)
  • SSR


  • UX
  • Accessibility (a11y)
  • Web Perfomance Optimization
  • Code Splitting
  • Immutability


  • You Don't Know JS: Scope & Closures
  • You Don't Know JS: Async & Perfomance


  • React
  • Polaris
  • Jest