
Website made with: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, Express, and MongoDB

Primary LanguageHTML


Website made with: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, Express, and MongoDB


A website where stock, forex, or crypto enthusiasts can post their trades. They can comment and receive feedback in real time and build a rapport they can look back on.


HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, Express, MongoDB


The goal of the website is to let finance enthusiasts track their trades with the goal of finding out what is profitable for themselves. Automatically calculated statistics are shown on each user's profile based on the trades they have made. These will guide users into finding what their strengths and weaknesses are, so they can be successful.

How it works:

A custom made front and back-end website. The back-end was made with Node, express, and MongoDB, utilizing RESTful techniques with CRUD functionality. The front-end was made with HTML, CSS, Javascript and Bootstrap. There are user posts, comments, and user profiles which all have CRUD functionality. HTML and CSS is used to make an appealing interface and Javascript and Bootstrap were used to make the pages responsive.

Test it out at: https://still-beach-81054.herokuapp.com/trades username: admin password: admin