History of Cosmology

http://cosmology.education/ (auto-deploy)

Status : http://cosmology.education/graph.html

Archive : http://cosmology.education/archive.tar.gz

Build Status Gitter

Build instructions

First build

  • Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/lucasgautheron/CosmologyWebsite.git
  • Install the dependencies :
apt-get install basex default-jre gnuplot libcurl3 libsaxonb-java php-cli texlive-full

In order to generate the animations and run the simulations the following packages are also required :

apt-get install ffmpeg build-essential gfortran 


  • Update and compile :
git pull

# For the first build or if a simulation has to be re-run
php compile.php -V -S
# otherwise
php compile.php -V
# generate booklet as well
php compile.php -V -B