
Golang server and frontend applications to visualise an mtriage folder structure

Primary LanguageVue


note: pre-alpha development, not ready for use. Everything will break!

mtriage-viewer is a server collected with a web frontend to interactively visualise mtriage workflows after they have been run.

Run the server

cd server
poetry install
poetry shell
export FLASK_ENV=development
python app.py

Modify ROOT and STORAGE_TYPE variables inside app.py to point to another storage location.

Run the frontend

NOTE: Must use Node v16. You're likely on a newer version, but will need to downgrade in order to view. We recommend using node version manager in the (likely) case you have multiple versions of node on your computer. Once installed just run nvm install 16 and nvm use 16 and you should be set.

cd viewer
npm install
npm run dev