
(Mac) Vim configuration

Primary LanguageLua

Kyle's NeoVim Config

To Install

Create or back up ~/.config/nvim. Then clone the repo.

mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/old-nvim
git clone git@github.com:qarren/vim-config.git ~/.config/nvim

Install Packer using these quickstart instructions.

Telescope needs rg (aka ripgrep) to search the content of text files.

brew install ripgrep

Install optional Space Mono font https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Space+Mono A few other fonts are commented out, and you can activate them in the init.vim. Fira Code is particularly nice but costs money.

Open nvim (ignoring any errors) and run:


On Packer

packer.nvim is a package manager for neovim. Read about it here.

Important Features


While in a git repo, type , + p to begin a fuzzy search on its filenames. Hit return to open the file in the current buffer or a new tab. More on Telescope and its mappings here.


NeoVim has built-in support for the Language Server Protocol. nvim-lsp-config takes care of setting up and managing the configurations required to communicate with different servers. To add or remove a server config, open lua/kickstart.lua and edit the servers list. Note that things like eslint and prettier do not conform to the LSP and require support through something like null-ls. Read more about it here.


NeoVim has experimental tree sitter support. This allows navigation of code based on functional groupings (and a lot more). I haven't gone very deep here, but something like [m will move your cursor to start of the next function. Read more about it here.


Hit \\ to view the current directory. Open/close a directory with return, enter a directory with ., and move up one directory with U. :help is useful.