
Repo with tools and frameworks to install on windows after make a fresh O.S install.

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


Repo to remind me which tools should I install on my windows after format my computer.


General Programs



For Visual Studio 2019

For Visual Studio Code


  • akamud.vscode-theme-onedark
  • Angular.ng-template
  • christian-kohler.npm-intellisense
  • cssho.vscode-svgviewer
  • Dart-Code.dart-code
  • Dart-Code.flutter
  • dbaeumer.jshint
  • dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
  • donjayamanne.jquerysnippets
  • DotJoshJohnson.xml
  • dracula-theme.theme-dracula
  • ecmel.vscode-html-css
  • EditorConfig.EditorConfig
  • esbenp.prettier-vscode
  • formulahendry.code-runner
  • hbenl.vscode-jasmine-test-adapter
  • hbenl.vscode-test-explorer
  • johnpapa.Angular2
  • kisstkondoros.typelens
  • Mikael.Angular-BeastCode
  • mikestead.dotenv
  • mrmlnc.vscode-scss
  • ms-python.python
  • ms-vscode.csharp
  • msjsdiag.debugger-for-chrome
  • msjsdiag.debugger-for-edge
  • nrwl.angular-console
  • onixie.angular-component-extension
  • PKief.material-icon-theme
  • rebornix.project-snippets
  • redhat.vscode-xml
  • Zignd.html-css-class-completion

Using Chocolatey

# It's more eady than download manually 

choco install dotnetcore-sdk
choco install googlechrome
choco install adobereader     
choco install notepadplusplus.install
choco install winrar
choco install nodejs.install
# (Also enable Global confirmation to make things easier: choco feature -n allowGlobalConfirmation)