This assignment is designed to test your client-side coding skills and show us
what you’re good at! You can add or modify any of the JavaScript, HTML and CSS
to complete the assignment. JQuery has been included for your convenience, but
is not required. Please do not use jQuery plugins. Also avoid frameworks like
Angular and Backbone. Please make sure the page works as a static page without
the need to run a web server or a build script.

First, prioritize the list of tasks below from high to low (1 -> top priority,
6-> lowest priority). Please explain why you choose to prioritize this way,
and what you considered when assigning high or low priority to each task.

Second, pick at least two tasks out of the list and implement them. You may choose
whatever tasks you prefer that you think will best reflect your coding skills.
Browser support should include IE8+, Chrome, Safari, FF.


 1  Create a photo carousel using the large photos linked from the thumbnails
	currently in the page. Include an automatic	slideshow mode, add prev/next
	buttons to manually controll the carousel, add a layer that shows the
	contents of the images alt text.

	I ordered this item as the first one because of the impact it has on the user's
	experience. Being able to navigate through the big sized pictures to explore 
	the hotel rooms you are interested in is a major point on decision-making.

 2  Add an interactive location block to the page. It should contain a map and
 	some nearby landmarks.

 	As well as knowing how the hotel rooms look like, the user will definitely want
 	to know what kind of nearby places he can go to. Or maybe he wants to know how
 	close the hotel is to a point of interest. That's why this is on second place.

 3  Imagine there is a JSON feed with hotels similar to the current one.
 	Design JSON format and use the feed to display similar hotels on the page.

 	Leaving the user experience behind, this is a very important point to the
 	flexibility of the website. I constructed the JSON example file but I did not
 	used it to feed the webpage. But I still consider it very important, 3rd place.

 4  Improve the room table. Allow the user to sort the room table by occupancy
 	or price, display a total when the user selects a quantity, display
 	additional information about rooms.

 	Allowing the user to sort the rooms by price or occupancy and display additional
 	information is important, but not crucial. For me this goes on fourth place.

 5  Split the reviews into blocks of 5 and create pagination. Allow the user
	to sort the reviews by review score.

	There is a good slice of people who makes decisions based on others reviews and
	recommendations. This is nice to have but not as important as the others above.

 6  Improve the facilities block.

 	In my humble opinion, the facilities block is already very informative and well
 	designed. I didn't see how could I make it significantly better. Last place :(