
Telegram Text-to-Speech bot using Amazon Polly

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Telegram Text-to-Speech bot using Amazon Polly.

Available as a demo on Telegram as @PollyannaBot.


  • Convert text to speech and send it as an audio: /s text
  • Change the voice: /v Amy
  • List available voices: /voices


  1. Install the required packages

    npm install
  2. Copy config.json.example to config.json and enter your credentials from AWS Polly and Telegram

    • Get your AWS access key and secret using IAM
    • Send a message to @BotFather to create a Telegram bot and get the token
  3. Start the bot

    npm start


This bot was inspired by the original @SpeechBot from lasermarty/SpeechBot, which sadly does not work anymore.