lucashfreitas's Following
- addyosmaniGoogle
- aidenybaiuniversity of washington
- bobbyhadz
- bukinoshita@resend
- colinhacksBun
- dankochetov@lambda-direct
- davidgomes@neondatabase
- duskydotsNew Zealand
- edersonmbertiSouthern Cross Health Society
- feedthejim@vercel
- glommer@tursodatabase
- hdoroBrazil
- HexaCubistThe University of Auckland
- JesperLeklandPush 2 Prod AB
- JounQin@Alauda
- karpathyStanford
- kiwicoppleSupabase
- lucasmontanoDisney Streaming Services
- mattpocockTotal TypeScript
- nideveloperBelfast
- nksaraf@qwertynotes
- nunomaduro@laravel
- OmerWowBLST Security Ltd.
- rauchg
- renansaldOceania
- shadcn@vercel
- shellscapePalm Trees and Interwebs
- stipsan@sanity-io
- TanStackSalt Lake City, Utah, USA
- tappmax
- tim-hubAsia Pacific
- timneutkensVercel
- trstringer@microsoft
- tywalch@vercel
- zomarsLead Software Engineer IC4 @calcom
- ztanner@vercel