
Read google sheets database of movie titles and write runtimes and genres, from IMDB, into the database

Automate runtimes and genres from movie titles in google sheets

This code uses the Google and IMDB API to read a google sheets document for movie titles and will write runtimes and genres based on those titles. This only works if you have enabled, added a credential for google sheets api to your account, and shared the sheet to your API. To set this up use Google sheets API for python: https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/quickstart/python. Then add the credentials file to your code folder named: "keys.json"

For a database to test with: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1THzIKMPwwajUT4dxxUWwL-kjMAx3y4FJrAGQVZE68qw/edit?usp=sharing

Pictures below show example of before and after:

Database%20before Database%20after

Feel free to add me and message me if you want to let me know a better way to write this code or a way to decrese the changes of Null cases.