

TranSummary is a web application designed to enhance the accessibility and comprehension of YouTube videos. It features a React frontend and a Flask API backend. Users can input a YouTube video URL into the frontend, which then interacts with the backend to perform a series of operations. The API downloads the video, transcribes it using Whisper diarization, extracts faces, and finally, summarizes the content into well-defined chapters with titles, leveraging the OpenAI API.


  • React Frontend: An interface for submitting YouTube video URLs and viewing chapter summaries.
  • Flask API Backend: Handles video processing and transcription.
  • Video Transcription: Utilizes Whisper AI for precise transcription with timestamps.
  • Unique Face Detection: Uses face_detection library to extract boxes and face features and DBScan to cluster for uniqueness
  • Content Summarization: Implements OpenAI API to create concise, titled chapters for easy navigation and understanding of the video content.

