
unvoit.io built with Vue.js + firebase ⚖️ 🪙

Primary LanguageVue


UNVOIT readme

Your local business based invoice management system.
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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Thank You
  4. Contact

About The Project


The meaning of this project, was to develop an invoice management SPA SaaS web application, to help businesses manage their invoices for their clients as well as to send invoices and payment requests.

How it is made:

  • UNVOIT is a SPA SaaS web application
  • The website is based on vue.js using the css library tailwind css
  • The website is based on modern & innovative design with focus in interaction design and the gestalt principles

This is the UNVOIT repository, click here to visit the website.

Use the README.md to get started.

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Built With

In this section you'll see a list os any major frameworks/libraries used to bootstrap the project.

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Getting Started


Below is shown how to install and and set up the project.

  1. Fork or clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/lucasjolibois54/unvoit/
  2. Install NPM packages
    npm install
  3. Start local server
    npm run serve
  4. Remember to star the repo 😉

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Thanks for watching

If you enjoyed the project, please fork the repo & don't forget to give the it a star! Thanks again!

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Lucas Bendix Jolibois- @lucasjolibois54

Portfolio: https://www.lucasjolibois.com/

Andreas Erik Eriksen- @aeeux

Shajah Ali- @shajahali

Daud Khalid Mir- @daudmir

Marc Moan Nebbelunde- @Marc140700

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