
1) Get bitcoin related data 2) predict bitcoin price 3)Auto trading

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Bitcoin Trade Data

The goal for this project is 1)to get bitcoin related data to predict bitcoin price. 2)Predict Bitcoin future price 3)Auto-trading based on the prediction(Long Only)

The related data including:

quarterly and weekly bitcoin price from OKEX
asks/bids info and last price from Bitfinex (Will add funding data later)
USDT OTC price from Huobi.pro
Emotion from news and forum (Wallstreet.cn and 8btc , will add reddit and CCN later)(DELETED due to effeciency reason)


3 predicted outcomes: Next_5,Next_10,Next_15 refer to the bitcoin future price will raise or drop in next 5/10/15 minutes based on our prediction

Machine Learning Model:

Neural Network


1) run input_data.py to collect data to SQL Database.

2) https://github.com/benjaminshi02003220/Bitcoin_price_prediction Download this project and run NNC.py to build up the model based on the data in SQL Database

3) Copy the 4 model file from Bitcoin_price_prediction folder to bitcion_trade_data folder. Run prediction.py to 1.predict price 2.Auto-Trading based on the result(To be completed)

You need to install below packages before run input_data.py
pip install requests -- Access to webpage
pip install BeautifulSoup -- Formalize webpage
pip install snownlp -- Analyze emotion of sentenses in Chinese
pip install pyodbc -- connect to SQL Server DB
pip install sklearn -- Machine Learning Model

Will update the code from time to time.


Updates by Date

Updates 3/6/2018

1. get the news from wallstreet cn(https://wallstreetcn.com/) blockchain channel. Analyze the emotion thru SnowNLP. Input as a feature.
2. get the posts from Chinese biggest BTC forum--8btc cn(https://8btc.com/) blockchain channel. Analyze the emotion by using SnowNLP. Input as a feature. (Will Update and input the emotion from Reddit and CCN in the future)

Updates 3/7/2018

Adding solutions for disconnect conditions

Updates 3/8/2018

1.fixed a bug in bfx.py
2.*Changed the data storage from csv to SQL server database.Better for further machine learning process.

Updates 3/10/2018

Start another project named Bitcoin_price_prediction to predict bitcoin trend.

Updates 3/14/2018

DELETED Emotion from forum due to effeciency reason

Updates 3/14/2018

adding prediction.py (To be Updated)

Updates 3/18/2018

Fixed some bugs and complete the real-time prediction. (prediction.py). Next step is to accomplish the auto-trading based on the prediction result~

Updates 3/28/2018

3 predicted outcomes: Next_5,Next_10,Next_15 refer to the bitcoin future price will raise or drop based on our prediction , 1 means raise ,0 means drop. If two of the three outcomes are 1, we can long bitcoin future and will sell it after 15 minutes/or a certain percentage of profit(to be tested)

Updates 4/4/2018

Adding future trading process(Long and sell after 15 minutes)