
Clean architecture, offline-first, and scalable app. Including: Jetpack Compose, Material 3, Navigation, MVVM, Coroutines, Flow, Hilt, Room, Retrofit, Coil, JUnit, MockK, Turbine.

Primary LanguageKotlin


Sandbox repository to play around with Android and Kotlin latest goodies.


The News app is a Master / Detail flow app in which the user can search for news and select any news to see its detail.

Note: to compile and being able to search for news you need to get an API key from https://newsapi.org and add it in the gradle.properties file, i.e.: NEWS_API_KEY=“YOUR-API-KEY”


  1. Search news by a given query


  1. Offline-first approach

news offline

Key concepts

  • Offline-first approach, this is, the database is the source of truth.
  • Clean architecture layers:
    • Layers: the app is organized into the following layers:
    • Data layer: provides components to access data from the database and network. DAO and Repository patterns are being used here. Also, the DataModule provides dependencies for all layers using Hilt.
    • Domain layer: provides use cases to handle the business logic.
    • Presentation layer: provides components to display data on the screen and to handle user interaction.
  • Feature package: in the presentation layer the feature packages are:
    • searchnews: composable functions and view model to search for news by a given query and then to show the result list of news.
    • newsdetail: composable function to show the news detail.
  • MVVM architecture pattern with Use Cases.
  • Coroutines to execute code asynchronously.
  • Flow to push data between layers.
  • Jetpack Compose to create UI components in a declarative way.
  • Hilt for dependency injection.
  • Retrofit for networking.
  • Coil for image loading.
  • Room for persistence.
  • Navigation with go to different screens.
  • JUnit, MockK, and Turbine for unit testing.
  • All dependencies to libs/tools and third-party libs are in versions.gradle file.